Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I communicated with Duncan because of one my close friends.  He was posted on the Oklahoma City Craigslist in the Lost section and my friend wanted to know if I could pick up anything about him.  He belonged to a friend of hers.  When I opened up the photo I immediately felt like Duncan was no longer with us, but I continued with my communication. 

Duncan wasn't hungry or thirsty.  He was floating.  What he told me was that it was time for him to go.  I intuited that he had kidney dysfunction.  Often a cat will go away to make his transition.  He asked me to tell his owner that he went fast and that he was with Jeff, his owner's dear friend who had also recently died.   He said, "Please don't be sad, but I know you will be.  Go quickly and get another kitty!" 

His mother went out and got another kitty.  I believe that Duncan communicated with new kitty about his going missing and how sad his mother was.  New kitty has slept on her head every night since she got him. 


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