Thursday, August 12, 2010
I can hear all of you sigh and smile when you look at this picture.  A few significant things were discovered when I communicated with Baby.  The most important finding was when I asked her if she had any pain she told me that her throat hurt.  Her mom took her to the vet and discovered that she was pulling too hard on her leash and that she needed to get a halter instead of a collar. 

Evidently a crushed trachea is one of the major causes of death in toy animals. Baby's owner learned other very important things from her vet from this communication.

Baby told me that she liked to play with her toys if her mom played with her.  She also loves liver.  This was first time news to her mom and guess what?  Baby loves liver and plays great with her toys as long as her mommy plays too.    Ahh... from the mouths of pets.


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