Saturday, August 28, 2010
When I began the communication she asked me to use my pink pen.  Ask and it is given, Izzy! 

Izzy told me that she likes to roll around like a tumbleweed.  She has no pain, but only feels bad when she gets too hot.  Izzy wanted me to tell her mom that she needed to love herself as much as she loved her. 

When I asked Izzy if there were anything she would like to change in her home it was that sometimes the music was too loud.  Her ears are sensitive.   

Her mother sent me the following.  "Thank you so much for the complimentary reading! I LOVED what Izzy had to say....some of it made me cry (in a good way)! And some of it made me her liking pink!!!   I've prided myself for years on NOT being a pink girl, so it just stands to reason that my baby girl would be! She DOES have a pink fleece nightgown that she wears some in the winter, so it's good to know she likes it.  She also absolutely cannot take the heat, so that wasn't surprising to me. Nor was it surprising that that loud music bothers her...I can actually see it on her face, now that I know she told you that. Like I told you I'm so glad that you're using this gift now, in addition to what you already do! You're amazing."

So are you, Izzy's Mommy!


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