Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ralphie's mother contacted me because he had been missing since early July.  Ralphie and his mom live in Texas and she was given my information from a neighbor. 

When I tapped into Ralphie's  energy I felt like he was no longer on the earth.   Then comes the difficult part of telling his mother.  Sigh... I told her that I would be so happy if what I felt was incorrect.  I have great compassion for people whose pets have been lost.  There is never a concrete answer to where they have gone. 

I felt like Ralphie was not well and he left so that he wouldn't hurt his family.  I've recently received an email from his mother who wrote, "Thanks so much for everything.  I've thoroughly enjoyed the newsletters. I've also tried to practice using the golden chord you spoke with me about. I hope you realize how much you really helped me. I miss my sweetie, but I'm thinking of taking his advice."  His advice was to stop looking, worrying and to adopt another cat.  Ralphie's family has a whole lot of love to share.


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