Tuesday, July 31, 2012
A few weeks ago I heard a mournful howl from a dog that lives close to my home.  Upon further investigation I realized that it was a neighbor who had penned their dog in the back of their lot.  It broke my heart to hear him how.  I did everything I could do to help him.   I gave him Rescue Remedy on a treat, bones that would last a while and I did energy work.  When I communicated with him, he said that he would rather be dead than be penned.  I promised him I would do everything I could do to get him released.

I went over and talked to a lady who lives at the house.  She said that the dog was peeing inside and the home owner was putting it outside to 'teach it a lesson'.  Oh dear, you can imagine how that went over with me.  A couple of days later we had a fierce thunderstorm and the dog was terrified to say the least.  Again, I went over but nobody answered the door.  What I did next was a bit against the rules, but I let the dog out of its pen.  (It's better to ask forgiveness than permission!)  Shortly after I receive a very threatening phone call saying "If you come on our property again, we have guns and will use them".  She also knows I'm an animal communicator and threw in a few jabs about that.  I live in Creek county where there are no animal restrictions.  The good thing about the call was that I got their phone number. 

A few days later the dog is howling again.  This time I call and I could tell that the owner was angry when she answered.  Then I said something that was a little bit magical..."What would it take for me to help the dog and you?  I would do just about anything right now."  At this point the owner mumbled something about if she had the money she would get the dog to the vet.  I told her I would be happy to take the dog to the vet and PAY for it if she would let me. 

By 3:00 pm that afternoon I was at the vet with the dog and the lady who lives at the house (not the owner).  I have never seen the Mrs. of the home.  The sweet dog knew why I was there and stuck by my side.  This precious dog had a bladder infection. 

That evening I received a voicemail from the owner of the dog thanking me.   She said that when she got some money she would pay me back.  And the miracle of that is that she has sent me two payments! 

What is the moral of this story?  If I can come from a loving place then I can change the world.  If I know what changes a heart, I know what changes the world.  Love is the only thing that will transform us.   I love the book, Power vs. Force.  Force doesn't change anything, but standing in our power with an open heart does.   By the way, I have not heard the dog, but did see him last week when he wandered over for a treat. 


WiseLalia said...

Glad you did this, Pam. And wrote about it so we can follow your example.

Jillybejoyful said...

Your post brought tears and a smile - thank you for all you do {{{angelpam}}} :)

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