Thursday, July 12, 2012
Baby's person contacted me because she was tired of being woken up at night and she was concerned about a growth that was removed from Baby's ear.  This is Baby's story.

"I don't like to be inside at night!  All the fun happens outside then.  My friends come out to play.  When the moon gets brighter, I get louder."  After informing her Mom about this she told me that Baby howls, "Ow, Ow, Ow" at night.  Now she knows that Baby is saying Out Out Out!  However, the good news is that after communicating with her she has been quiet for the last four nights. 

And about the ears.  Her mom is concerned that the growth that was surgically removed is growing back and that Baby is losing her directional hearing.  When I asked Baby about it she told me that her ears don't work right.  She doesn't want another operation.  They don't hurt.  She said that she will adjust and get used to it.  It is part of her learning this time around.  It is also helping her other senses to become more acute.  She said, "I will adjust.  You will see." 


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