Monday, February 22, 2010
I have this friend, Beth, who has always been one of the best blessings in my life.  I'm sure we have had many life times before this one.  From the first day I met her in Jakarta, Indonesia in about 1984, we have had a heart connection.

On the day we met I walked into her beautiful home and she said, "Do you smoke?" I told her that I did and she replied that she was so happy because she had quit smoking and needed a cigarette.  (By the way, we have both quit.)  We've spent hours solving the problems of the world, finding the perfect purchase all over the planet and drinking lots of cocktails.  (I don't do that anymore either.)

She's a woman of few words unless you really know her.  When you do know her she's over-the-top confident.  I call her cocky self-assured.  We don't have to talk to know how the other one is doing.  When we do get together we laugh and then we laugh some more.  We have is a reciprocal relationship.  I don't expect anything from her and vice versa.  She does want me to 'listen', often asking me, "Are you listening?"

She just sent me this photograph from Arkansas where she is building a home.  It was titled There is a God, and she sent it to me for Valentine's Day.  That's my Beth, my soul sister.


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