Monday, February 22, 2010
I have this friend, Beth, who has always been one of the best blessings in my life.  I'm sure we have had many life times before this one.  From the first day I met her in Jakarta, Indonesia in about 1984, we have had a heart connection.

On the day we met I walked into her beautiful home and she said, "Do you smoke?" I told her that I did and she replied that she was so happy because she had quit smoking and needed a cigarette.  (By the way, we have both quit.)  We've spent hours solving the problems of the world, finding the perfect purchase all over the planet and drinking lots of cocktails.  (I don't do that anymore either.)

She's a woman of few words unless you really know her.  When you do know her she's over-the-top confident.  I call her cocky self-assured.  We don't have to talk to know how the other one is doing.  When we do get together we laugh and then we laugh some more.  We have is a reciprocal relationship.  I don't expect anything from her and vice versa.  She does want me to 'listen', often asking me, "Are you listening?"

She just sent me this photograph from Arkansas where she is building a home.  It was titled There is a God, and she sent it to me for Valentine's Day.  That's my Beth, my soul sister.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Until March 1, 2010 I am offering a Personal Clearing for $44. You will receive a report of what shows up in the clearing. Our energy fields can be compared to filters in our heating and air conditioners. The energy fields, like air filters, get clogged with disturbances and often we don't even realize it. Sometimes we just feeloff.

I received this testimonial from the client who had a clearing last week. "Last Thursday and Friday I felt less stressed, more clear-headed and calm after your clearing. I can tell you that you are spot on with the clearing." K.B., Tulsa

Email or call me if you would like some 'spring cleaning' of your energy fields.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Like the new look of my blog?  My talented, amazing and wonderful friend, Andrea, is doing it for me.  If you would like your website or blog designed, reworked, etc. contact her at   You can also visit her site that she designed at 

Is she irresistible or what?!

I never considered myself quirky, but recently I've noticed some things that make me think differently. The other day as I was pushing together the empty shopping carts in Sam's parking lot I thought that this was a job I would be really good at. It's just something that I do. The feel and sound of one cart fitting inside another is very satisfying to me. It takes some strength and maneuvering to get them lined up sometimes too. Go figure.

I also have the sharp pencil thing. A freshly sharpened pencil is so satisfying. You cannot get the same effect with a mechanical pencil. I once had a very OCD child in one of my classes (back in the day that I taught middle school) who could not write more than one line without resharpening his pencil. I'm not that bad, but I did feel his pain.
Most underwear is totally annoying! I can feel it. Jeans are annoying too because I can feel the seams from the inside. I took all my old jeans to the consignment shop. Oprah often has a show that is based around the perfect jeans. Sorry, Oprah, I don't believe you. Oprah is a clothes tugger, so I don't believe she is that comfortable in her clothes either. She also dedicates programs to perfect bras. Every bra she talks about looks like a torture device used in the dark ages. No underwires for me. Soft, 'stretch as you grow' are just perfect for me.

One more thing... why do my cats wait until they get into my lap to do their personal grooming?  The sound of the licking puts me on edge.

I promise to document any other quirkiness about me as I notice them.  I would love to hear about your quirkies too.  Just leave them in the comments and I will post them if you would like.  That's the great thing about a blog. 

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