Sunday, May 22, 2011
If I hear or see something three times in a short period of time, I pay attention. Last Tuesday Parker's photograph was posted by three different people on Facebook. He was missing and his owner was like any owner whose beloved pet has gone missing. Third time called for me to see if I could get in touch with Parker remotely.

When I tapped into the energy I could see an older home in my mind's eye. It had hardwood floors, exterior white paint with dark blue trim. I didn't think Parker was far from home. I sent Parker's Dad a message on Facebook explaining who I was and my findings.

On Thursday night I was invited to do the grand re-opening event for Lifestyles Boutique on Peoria in Brookside. The Humane Society was there and I was communicating with any animals that were adopted. I know and love the new owners, Bonnie and Randy Williams. While at the event Parker's Dad sought me out just to say thank you and that Parker was still missing. I encouraged him to continue his search and stay connected to his puppy.

Parker was found on Sunday after five days. He was one street over. And this is the email I received from Parker's Dad.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Parker is home today!!! He was at an older house (you saw it), with wooden floors (you called it), a white house (you saw it) and it had dark blue trim (you felt it)!!!!

Here is a photo of the house where Parker was found.  I love a happy ending!


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