Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Emily and Sir Butterscotch
When I was contacted to communicate with a rabbit I wasn't quite sure what to expect.  This was my first bunny and his name was Sir Butterscotch.  What I discovered was that he was very forthcoming and one of the most important things he told me was that he was lonely and wanted a girlfriend.  He also told me that his house was very white.  His favorite foods were raisins and fresh greens.  He tattled on his owner telling me that she was a very scheduled and detailed person. 

What I discovered after the communication was that his mother had recently taken him to meet some new friends.  She gave me the names of three of them and Emily was the one that Butterscotch liked the most.  She was very happy about this because they seemed to get along from the start.  Plans are being made to get these two together for always.   Sigh...

His mother also told me that most of their house was white. She confessed to being very scheduled and gave Butterscotch his fresh greens at the same time daily.  She was surprised to hear about raisins and had never given him any.  After a trip to Trader Joe's she came home with some organic raisins.  Guess what?  He loved them!   


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