Saturday, May 24, 2008
The universe has been giving me a strong push towards teaching a workshop about clearing personal energy fields. I will be teaching it in Tulsa on June 7.

  • Some of the techniques you will have the opportunity to experience in this half-day workshop are:

    ~How to use a pendulum
    ~To have an opportunity to experience what it feels like to find deep inner peace
    ~How to move out of old thought patterns
    ~Actually finding a new way of looking at the world
    ~How to reduce and manage your stress levels
    ~Cultivating a daily clearing practice that is easy, fun, and lasting

    And perhaps you will gain these additional benefits...

    · Release stressful patterns you never knew you had
    · Feel more available, less attached, and in the flow
    · Join with others as you explore what it means to live a more clear and conscious life
    · Experience the true meaning of 'lightening up'
    · Be an example for others to follow your lead

    The benefits of this workshop are boundless!

My Oklahoma clients have received this information, but wanted to share it on my blog in case others are interested who do not live in good ole Oklahoma.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could bring more peace and more happiness into your lives and the lives of those around us?


feng shui harmony said...


Great things are going to manifest at this workshop. I'll be there in spirit and wish that I could have been there in person to witness the
amazing energy that you have and give to others.

Best wishes for a job that I already know is 'well done'.

Love, Prosperity and Joy, my friend,

Anna Maria

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