Tuesday, March 20, 2012
At the end of our first day in the workshop, we were invited to visit two beautiful properties with horses for a field trip. The owner of Mystique, who looked very much like the photo above, told us that he had a health issue and was wondering if what she was doing was helping.  As she asked the question the word 'diabetes' dropped into my thoughts.  I jotted it down.  Then I wondered if horses even got diabetes?!  Others in the class were reporting their suspicions.  I didn't speak up at first, but finally I said that I had heard one word only - diabetes. This was the issue!  Amelia asked me how I got this information.  I told everyone that I had no idea, but I've heard messages like this before, long before I started doing animal communication. 

And then there was the adorable Ferret named Spaz.   See his little meditating feet above with Amelia?  His owner had fought in the Iraq War and came home with all of the stress that only war can bring.  Spaz told me that he was an enlightened philosopher and that I could call him Jesus!  His owner wondered why Spaz would crawl up into the entertainment center and act like he couldn't get out.  Spaz told me it was so that his Dad would stop watching the TV and pay attention to him.  Spaz likes the rock music that his Dad plays all the time.  (all confirmed by Dad, the TV watcher and Rock music lover)

Sparky, a rescued Jack Russell mix, was the life of the party.  He was so happy to be on stage.  At first his owner had him on a leash, but I knew he wanted off to be free.  When his Dad let him loose he came and greeted each of us separately.  Sparky knew he was on stage and was thrilled to be there.  No stage fright here.

I felt compelled to ask Sparky why he came into his owner's life.   He told me that his Dad was very lonely when he adopted him.  He said he's still lonely sometimes today.  When I told his owner this he replied, "You know, when you wife of many years leaves you, you get very lonely."  I later apologized to Sparky's dad and told him that I didn't mean to 'read his mail', but I try to repeat what the animal tells me without filtering. 

So, what did I learn at this fabulous workshop?  I learned that I'm pretty good at what I do.  I learned to trust every message that I receive.  I learned that Amelia Kinkade and I are, perhaps, old friends from another lifetime.  She called me Texas Okie at first.  Amelia also asked me if I would take some of her 'lost' animal cases since she will be on the road for the next few months.  Tracking isn't easy and it is very time consuming.  However, I told her that if she sent me someone, I would try to help.  This was such a wonderful compliment.  My favorite animal communicator asking me to help her.  WOW!  I came home with a new found confidence and a very grateful heart. 


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