Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sleepy, a Survivor and Queen of the new Flock
Remember the bumper stickers WWJD?  I am replacing the J for Jesus with P for Pam.  If I want to be the change that I want to see, I have to put my initial here.  Behind this there is a story.

There is an irresponsible dog owner who lives down the street.  She owns two gorgeous Labrador Retrievers.  On January 2 the dogs grabbed one of our free-range chickens and killed it.  They were simply doing what labs do.  The dogs returned in a week and badly injured another one of our chickens.  They took the hen down to their house.  Their owner returned with the injured bird and promised that she would not let her dogs out until after 6 pm.  By that time our hens are up in their roost for the night so no worries.  We told her that we were going to figure out a way to better secure our flock.

We realized that we needed to fence the girls in because it wasn't safe for them to free range anymore. So several hundred dollars later with a new fence and safe yard for the chickens we felt better.  (Not to mention the vet bill for the injured Shelly!) 

A few weeks later I went out to buy some groceries for an upcoming blizzard. When I returned I found the lab inside the fenced area killing one of our girls, another was dead inside the coop and a third was missing.  I don't do this often, but I fell apart.  Then, I got so angry!!!

So, WWPD?  The old Pam would have marched down to the irresponsible dog owner's house and who knows what would have happened!  You can only imagine what I was thinking.  But, do you know what I did?  NOTHING   Here is the deal, I can't change any one's beliefs but my own.  I can be the responsible pet owner.  I can be the peaceful warrior.  If others lack integrity there is nothing I can do about it.  I have integrity.  Anger and violence don't solve problems.  Violence and anger don't give someone ethics and integrity.   

A few weeks ago we went out and bought five new chickens that are six months old.  We put an electric wire around their yard.  The two surviving chickens are doing well. Shelly, who was badly injured, has grown back her tail feathers even better than they were before. 

WWYD?  The Y stands for YOU. 



Cosh said...

I really admire your thinking and problem solving with your neighbor, Pam. So true that one can not change another's beliefs, nor behaviors --- all animals including humans are who they are and do what they do. the frustrating thing for me is that I expect humans "should know better". Obviously, this is faulty thinking on my part. I will remember your story the next time I want to beat someone up. thanks Pam

Lisa said...

Oh Pam, I would have lost it after the first time. I'm sorry you are having to go through this and sorry that some people just don't seem to care. You are right though that you can't change anyone else but I don't really know how I would handle that situation.

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