Saturday, December 11, 2010
Many of you have heard about Target, the dog who saved a soldier's life in Afganistan, being accidentally euthanized.  Of course, this pulled on the heartstrings of all dog lovers including me.  A friend forwarded the story and asked me what I thought.  My thoughts always want to communicate with the animals.  This is what I received.

I always do a centering meditation before I begin a communication.  The first thing I noticed was that my heartbeat felt stronger than usual. 

1.  Would you like to talk to me?  You are one of my favorite people to talk to.

2.  Describe your surroundings.  Rolling hills and green grass.  There is perfect beauty and harmony.  Quiet in the most delightful way. 

3. Did you have any trouble getting to where you are?  No, it was very easy.  I was ready to go.  I completed my soul's purpose and after that life wasn't as important.  You see, if I go then I come back soon.  I have many purposes to fill in many lifetimes.  I'm a soul with a mission.  You could compare me to Martin Luther King, Jr.

4. Did you go home to meet someone?  Not really

6. Did someone come to meet you?  Every soldier who lost his life and every child that came in contact with me.  Both sides - not just Americans.  It is all equal here. 

7. Are you going to come back?  I will return and you will hear or read about me again.  I will return very soon...within this year.  There is much work to be done on Planet Earth. 
Thank you, Target!


Lisa said...

I always get goosebumps reading these stories. Animals are so amazing!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Pam, wonderful reading. I spread the word about intuitive animal communication in Finland - and the whole world - and I just translated this to Finnish for all the Finns to read. I hope you do not mind! Yours, Lea

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