Thursday, September 16, 2010
A few days ago my granddaughter, Lauren, came to visit. She wanted to create a float. After putting on my thinking cap I turned a basket upside down on a tricycle. Then we picked some hydrangeas and gathered other fancy decorations to make it fancy. Simon, our cat, watched closely. 

He and Lauren have history.  We adopted him from Lauren's parents before she was born.  He is very patient with Lauren who carries him around like a rag doll.  I often communicate with Simon how grateful I am that he is so good with Lauren.  Simon tells me that he knew Lauren before she was ever born.

So, once we got into action I asked Simon if he would like to ride on the float.  He seemed thrilled to be the star of the parade.  We wheeled him up and down the driveway.  He loved being the center of attention, but then that is his personality.  He is one extraordinary cat.

Here is a photo of the finished float with Lauren and Lily, my granddog.


Lisa said...

How fun!

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