Friday, August 27, 2010
I recently communicated with Grylls at Woofstock.  His mom told me that she rescued him and that he was very fearful.  When I tapped into Grylls's energy he said, "If you only knew the traumas!"  His mother shared with me that Grylls is afraid of the dark and will often just stare at the fan.  In my mind's eye I could almost see some of the happenings in this dog's life. 

I suggested to his mother that when she starts worrying about Grylls that she replace that worry with a picture of him when he is at his happiest.  She needs to visualize him being balanced and peaceful.  When I got home I did some additional healing work on Grylls because I could feel his tension.

Last night I received a phone call from Grylls's mom.  She shared with me that since Woofstock she had a different dog.  He would come and greet her and the door.  Grylls was even being playful with her!  What wonderful news!

As soon as I hung up I thanked my wonderful God and all my guides, angels and helpers for this amazing gift.  It just doesn't get any better than this.


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