Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We have a full moon this week and an eclipse. The suggestions from my favorite astrologers (besides me) are to release, release, release. Take what works for you and leave the rest. You can apply this to what you want to create in the Vision Board Workshop.

Writing is something that I do when I want to get clear about what I really want. It helps me to get clear about my purpose, my job and my relationships. Sometimes I have to go below the surface to discover these things. Below the surface is where my wiser self resides.

You might sit quietly. Perhaps you can light a candle and with openness and kindness ask yourself what you really want. Have your journal handy. You might surprise yourself. I am clairaudient, so I find that my answers usually come in words and phrases. How do you receive your messages? Here are some more questions you can answer that might give you some guidance. These questions are compliments of Christine is a musician who also believes in the power of a Vision Board.

1. If money, people's opinions and judgments, and fear were not factors - what would I want to be, do or have?
2. What beliefs or things would I have to let go of it I were to creative this in my life?
3. What would I have to believe in order to be, do or have these things?
4. How will I FEEL when I am, do or have these things I want?
5. What does my heart really yearn for?

I answered these same questions and for the first one I wrote, "I want to be highly visible ~ speaking and teaching large groups of people throughout the United States about how to live consciously." If you have taken any of my Clearing Workshops and know someone outside of Tulsa who would like me to teach one in their area, please let me know. This is part of my 'vision'.

If you think you would like to take the Vision Board workshop email me. I will send you the details. Hope you are expressing your gratitude for air conditioning this week. I sure am.


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