Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Chinese New Year is celebrated earlier this year, January 26th. It is suggested that you do some house cleaning on the days before January 26. You can remove clutter that has accumulated over the past year. Focus on anything that you associate with an unhappy memory. If you haven’t used something in two years, let it go! If you had challenges in 2008 open the doors and windows, burn a candle or some incense and invite the new qi inside. However, if 2008 was great for you, don’t blow out the qi! You can clean and de-clutter, but don’t open the windows and doors. Let the beneficial qi in your home remain inside.

Our new president is calling all of us to step out of our comfort zone to help this nation get back on its feet. To quote Aristotle, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” What do you repeatedly do? Do you spread joy and positivity? Do you live in the past or hold resentments? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Is making money or the lack of it your focus? Are you usually on time or late? Do you go out of your way to help others? There is a wonderful 4 minute video on Oprah’s website that I invite you to watch. I would love to hear your pledge. When we put it in writing it holds a greater commitment.

In Chinese metaphysics we are in the Age of 8 – 2004-2024. This is the Age of the Young Man. It is represented by the Mountain. Attributes of this time are stillness, being grounded, certainty and balance. Animal: Dog. Body part: Hand. Direction: NE. It is predicted that during this time many secrets will be exposed. One of the negatives of this time is ‘loneliness’. Think about the video you just watched. One of the headlines today read Obama lifts a hand, lifts a nation. These are some of my observations. I predict there will be a new dog in the White House and it will make the news often.

More workshops are in the planning stage. I am also participating in the Women’s Living Expo event at Expo Square, February 13-15. If you plan to attend, come by and see me. My husband, Robert, is doing the cabinets for the kitchen exhibit. His company, Jo Rose, will offer 'green' cabinets in 2009.

Contact me if you want your annual Feng Shui or Four Pillars astrology update. I recently posted something on my blog about Chinese Astrology. Astrology is something I repeatedly do and am very passionate about.

Let's be the change we want to see, and remember...there is never a crowd on the leading edge.


Lisa said...

Hi Pam! Just found your blog while researching a few feng shui things. I would love to attend a workshop so I will keep my eyes open for one. Hopefully I'll get a chance to meet you at the Tulsa Women's Expo!


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